
[The Korea Herald] Poinix’s close-proximity method grabs attention
작성자최고관리자 등록일18-09-26 17:15 조회수547


Dr. Ulf Sandberg (left), an author of Tyre/Road Noise Reference Book and senior researcher at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, poses with Kim Hyun-jin, a senior researcher for Poinix at Internoise 2018 in Chicago on Aug. 29. (Poinix)

A senior researcher of local tech company Poinix grabbed attention at the international noise control conference with her study on the close-proximity method, according to the company Wednesday.

Kim Hyun-jin, senior researcher at Poinix, presented her research on comparing measurement on noise reduction of quiet pavement at the International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering that took place from Aug. 26 to 29. 

The conference held in Chicago was attended by around 1,000 participants from governments, institutes and companies in the area of noise control engineering.

During her presentation, Kim presented her close-proximity method that measures a noise generated between the tire and road surface while driving.

“I compared traditional methods -- such as measuring a noise by installing microphones on the back side of car tire -- and wayside equivalent noise in order to find a measurement that can be suitable for the local condition,” she said.

As the noises generated between tires and road surfaces account for over 90 percent of car noises, it is very similar to what people actually hear, she said.

“Because the close-proximity method is objective, has a high reproducibility and has a low error range, it should be legalized for professional measurement and evaluation in Korea,” Kim said, adding the new technologies she researched on will be used at home and abroad.

After her presentation, her study was recognized by Dr. Ulf Sandberg, an author of Tyre/Road Noise Reference Book and senior researcher at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, according to the company.

The International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering takes place in each continent every year, with the next conference hosting in Madrid, Spain and in Seoul in 2020. 

By Shin Ji-hye and Lee Hong-seok

(shinjh@heraldcorp.com) (gilbert@heraldcorp.com)

기사 바로보기  Poinix’s close-proximity method grabs attention (koreaherald.com)